Insho Dar Borai Tochikiston Kishvari Obodi Man
Devachem nanv, Jehova mhunn te man ditat. Jezun lokank kolloun, tea nanvak man dilo.
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Devachi vollokh gheunk tannem lokank adar dilo, ani Devachem nanv povitr zaunk magat mhunn tankam xinkoilim. ( Matev 6:9) Tumi ravtat thoim, khoincho dhorm Devachem nanv kolloita?— Itihas 2:21, Stotram 148:5 vachat. • Devachem Raj te porgott’ttat. Aplea Rajeachi bori khobor porgottunk Devan, Jezuk hea sonvsarant dhaddlo. Fokot Devachem Raj munxakulla-vele soglle koxtt kaddun uddoitolem.
Apunn moro porian tea Rajeachi khobor Jezu sangot ravlo. ( Lukas 4:43; 8:1; 23:42, 43) Aple xis tea Rajea vixim porgott’ttole mhunn Jezun sanglolem. Devachea Rajea vixim ulounk tuje lagim konnui ailo zalear, to khoinchea dhormancho astolo?— Matev 24:14 vachat.
The following banknotes are no longer legal tender: (can be exchanged free of charge through 30 May 2028) (can be exchanged free of charge through 30 May 2028) (can be exchanged at Norges Bank for a fee) (can be exchanged at Norges Bank for a fee) (can be exchanged at Norges Bank for a fee). After this period, Norges Bank is obliged to redeem the notes and coins for an additional ten years. Following the announcement, the notes and coins continue to be legal tender and may be used in the normal manner for one year. Withdrawn banknotes Norges Bank may decide to withdraw banknotes and coins from circulation.
• Hea khottea sonvsarant te bhag ghenant. Rajkoronnant vo somajik kestanvamnim te vantto ghenant, tache velean tumi tankam vollkhunk zata.
( Juanv 17:16; 18:36) Tea bhair, sonvsarantlim vaitt kortubam ani sovoim-io te apnnainant.— Jakob 4:4 vachat. • Te eka-mekacho khoro mog kortat. Sogllea raxttranchea ani zatinchea lokank man diunk zai mhunn te Devachea Utrantlean xinktat. Zaite pavtt khottea dhormancho lok raxttranchea zhuzant vantto ghetat, punn khori bhokti kortat te, kosle-i zhuzant bhag gheunk nakartat.
( Mika 4:1-3) Punn tache bodlek, te aplo vell, poixe ani her vostum vorvim herank urbha ani adar diunk vavurtat.— Juanv 13:34, 35; 1 Juanv 4:20 vachat.