
Ukrainskij Voyazh 2013 Sbornik Torrent


This film tells the story of a young psychiatrist who embarks on a voyage on the sea, as he is reliving his patients' suicides. Yes it is a bothersome movie, which is what art is supposed to be. It makes you think, and most of all, the way it is build forces you to build up your own story and reflection about the multiple themes. Of course, it is mostly centered around the acceptance of death, and how once accepted, it is more scary for the people who stay than for the one who goes. The first episode in the Mongolian desert, to me does not relate much to the rest of the movie. But then, step by step, image by image, we are led to connect the dots and for whoever was brave enough to stay till the end, we have a story. I must add though, that the walk toward the sunset at the end is a bit Hollywood to me.

Voyage centers on a young psychiatrist who ventures on a lone voyage from Hong Kong along the coast of South-East Asia to overcome the sad experiences he had made with former clients. Debra Baker, Sebastian Castro, Adrian Ron Heung. Director: Scud. 2281 The Voyage of King Njoya's Gift - A Beaded Sculpture. 1124 The 2009-2014 World Outlook for Canned. Unternehmen (Zug), Rapidshare, Kpmg, Nord Stream AG, Ahaus-Enscheder. 5570 Pravoslavnyj Palestinskij Sbornik - Tom 18.

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Just a personal preference:-).