Singing Exercises For Dummies Cd Download
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Singing Exercises For Dummies, with CD - Kindle edition by Pamelia S. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Singing Exercises For Dummies, with CD.
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The fast and easy way to take your singing skills to new heights Some people are born with a naturally great singing voice, but even the best singers can benefit from a broader range of knowledge and training. Voice training not only expands your technique and power, but enhances your performance abilities in business and on stage. Singing Exercises For Dummies gives you a trusted, easy way to learn, or improve, your singing. Packed with exercises and drills in the book and on the accompanying CD, Singing Exercises For Dummies helps you strengthen your voice; refine technique; develop consistency, build power and endurance; and increase vocal range. Beginning with warm-up and proper posture then logically transitioning to scales, chords, and arpeggios, Singing Exercises For Dummies contains everything you need to develop and sharpen your singing skills. • Exercises and drills on the CD help you practice your skills • Covers everything from building power and endurance to singing pitch-perfect arpeggios Whether you're relatively new to singing, have had ongoing instruction, or are looking to break into the music industry, Singing Exercises For Dummies has you covered.