Download Wallem Marpol Compliance Program
MARPLOT Software. MARPLOT® is the mapping program for the CAMEO. For a brief summary of the MARPLOT program and its capabilities, download the MARPLOT.
Notice: This website has been moved. To view our current site, please. MARPOL Annex VI – Regulations for the Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships MARPOL 73/78, Annex VI outlines international requirements for vessel air emissions and shipboard air pollution prevention measures. Annex VI enters into force for the United States on January 8, 2009. Starting on that date, U.S.
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Ships operating anywhere and foreign-flag ships operating in United States waters must comply with the requirements set out in MARPOL Annex VI. 1901(a) (4) & (5), 1902(a)(1)&(5), and 1907 (a), as amended by the Maritime Pollution Prevention Act of 2008 (MPPA), Pub.L. 110-280, 122 Stat 2611).
A copy of Annex VI and the NOx Technical Code is attached to the right. Applicability: United States ships of 400 gross tons and above, as measured under the International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969 (ITC), engaging in voyages to ports or offshore terminals under the jurisdiction of a party to MARPOL Annex VI and foreign-flag ships of over 400 gross tons (ITC) operating in United States waters shall demonstrate compliance with Annex VI through possession of a valid International Air Pollution Prevention (IAPP) certificate. Enforcement: As a party to Annex VI, the United States will verify that U.S. And foreign-flag ships operating in U.S. Waters are in compliance with MARPOL Annex VI and will verify that ships entitled to fly the flag of a party to Annex VI have an IAPP certificate on board if that ship is required to have one under the Annex VI implementing schedule. Policy Guidance: CG-543 Policy Letter 09-01, attached to the right, provides further guidance for ensuring compliance with Annex VI. CG-CVC Policy Letter 12-04, attached to the right, provides further guidance for ensuring compliance with the ECA.
Ad ditional Information: • EPA Finalizes Stringent Emission Control and Fuel Standards for Large Marine Engines: The EPA web page for No-road Engines found at provides the EPA's Final Rule (75 FR 22896, 30APR2010) on new emission standards for new marine diesel engines with per-cylinder displacement at or above 30 liters (called Category 3 marine diesel engines) installed on U.S. These emission standards are equivalent to those adopted in the amendments to Annex VI. In this rule, the EPA is also finalizing a change to their diesel fuel program that will allow for the production and sale of 1,000 ppm sulfur fuel for use in Category 3 marine vessels.
In addition, the new fuel requirements will generally forbid the production and sale of other fuels above 1,000 ppm sulfur for use in most U.S. Waters, unless alternative devices, procedures, or compliance methods are used to achieve equivalent emissions reductions. The EPA is also adopting further provisions under the Act to Prevent Pollution from Ships, especially to apply the emission standards to engines covered by MARPOL Annex VI that are not covered by the Clean Air Act, and to require that these additional engines use the specified fuels (or equivalents). This action affects companies that manufacture, sell, or import into the United States new marine compression-ignition engines with per cylinder displacement at or above 30 liters for use on vessels flagged or registered in the United States; companies and persons that make vessels that will be flagged or registered in the United States and that use such engines; and the owners or operators of such U.S. Additionally, this action may affect companies and persons that rebuild or maintain these engines.
Finally, this action may also affect those that manufacture, import, distribute, sell, and dispense fuel for use by Category 3 marine vessels. Under these regulations, both U.S.- and foreign-flagged ships subject to the engine and fuel standards of MARPOL Annex VI must comply with the applicable Annex VI provisions when they enter U.S. Ports or operate in most internal U.S. Waters including the Great Lakes. Vessels Enrolled in the Maritime Security Program (MSP) should review the EPA regulations discussed on page 22939 of the Final Rule (75 FR 22896, 30APR2010) applicable to these ships. • EPA Engine Emission Regulations: For U.S.