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Imagine if you walked into Kmart or Target, filled up your shopping trolley with products, then ditched it at the door, leaving the shop empty handed. But that’s what online shoppers currently do in droves, each and every day. Unfortunately for virtual merchants, most of their potential customers never proceed past the checkout stage with what they’ve put into their carts.

In the last year along, almost $4 trillion dollars of potential buys were abandoned at the final stage; meanwhile, almost 70 per cent of online shopping trolleys get abandoned. Why, though, do so many online customers bail without buying? According to the best research, it’s a mixture of concern over the security of online payment, unanticipated shipping costs, and the hassle of remembering one’s login details or having to create a fresh user account. For online merchants, then, one of the best things they can do to motivate consumers to buy the products that actually put inside their shopping carts is to create the ideal checkout page. Read on to find out more ().

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Make it easy to login, and offer a guest checkout option First of all, it should be quick and easy for users of online shopping platforms to log-in to their accounts; and it should be equally easy for them to retrieve forgotten passwords (it usually occurs via an email sent to personal account). And for those who are in a rush and don’t want to mess around for the latter, online merchants should offer a guest checkout option as well. Telecharger encarta junior 2009 gratuite telecharger youtube pc. After all, for a one-off customer who probably won’t return, what sense is there in forcing to them to register a new account? Make it easy to pay When filling out forms, online merchants should avoid asking customers for unnecessary information. When mistakes are made or boxes left unfilled, these should be visually marked or highlighted so it is easy for customers to go back and correct them.

Try to set as many fields to ‘autofill’ as well, in order to save time for customers. Be clear about all costs upfront Don’t spring excessive hidden charges like shipping or tax on customers at the last moment. Be clear about all costs at the outset. Make it easy for customers to change their mind Allow customers to review their shopping cart at the checkout stage, just as they are able to in-store.

Give them the option to remove items from their cart without emptying the whole lot. Include photos of the products customers are buying so that they know exactly what they are forking out money for. Let consumers save items for later Similar to the ‘watch’ option on eBay, online shoppers should be allowed to save products that they aren’t currently sure about buying so that they can come back and review them again later. Target these ‘window shoppers’ with discounts so that they will finally commit.

Offer multiple shipping options Let customers choose between a range of shipping options- set the cheapest one as the default. Also allow customers the option to pick up in person at the store at a discount – location allowing of course. There are so many restaurants in each and every place that it can be quite challenging to choose one for having a meal. It is easy to evaluate familiar restaurants and understand weather you like them or not, but if you want to try something new, you might need some help in choosing one.